Thursday, September 15, 2011


This is the first finished animation for a top-down PC shooter I'm making pix for :)

This creature is called a prolon and shoots plasma balls out of it's arms D:


  1. Hey man, found you through the Dredmor forums (Daynab here) and just wanted to say I love your stuff. Keep up the good work, I'll keep looking forward to what you come up with.

  2. Whoa, thanks :D Just today have been released two roguelike games with graphics by me :)

  3. Yup I noticed about FFHTR, tried it and doesn't seem like something I'd play, but the art style is pretty sweet. Where would I find Into the Dungeon? didn't see it anywhere on roguebasin.

  4. This little dude is *very* cool. (Although it is not straight away noticible that it has 4 legs)
